Holistic Psychotherapy Sessions
with Pam Chubbuck, PhD, LPC, LCSW
Therapy for Serious Seekers: Individuals, Couples & Psychotherapists/ Care Givers
Pam is a psychotherapist in the ancient Greek meaning of the word therapeia – doing the work of God, or doing the work of the whole.
Best known for her skillful, direct, honest and energetic approach to therapy, Pam combines that with the universal healers: love & laughter.
“Working with people to assist on their life journey is my honor and pleasure. I am dedicated to helping people feel their life force, integrate body/emotions/mind/spirit, heal childhood wounds, feel joy and become whole.” ~ Pam Chubbuck, PhD
Pam’s ability to fully be in the present moment and her playful spirit keep her young-at-heart and able to authentically connect.
Pam sees the best in each person, creating the safety required to tell her anything, as she honors the sacred trust to assist rather than judge. Pam finds great pleasure in mentoring professionals – experienced psychotherapists as well as psychotherapy students. In addition to working with individuals, she also enjoys and excels at working with couples and groups. She is known to be highly intuitive and gifted with seeing energetic connections as well as sorting out and assisting with multi-level relational dynamics.
Pam well knows the importance of healing childhood wounds. All-too-unique in her abilities to supportively witness clients’ deep emotional pain, Pam also assists and empowers clients with tools to move through it and forward to take charge of their own transformation according to their own Higher Self wisdom, rather than fostering dependency.
Pam created Psycho-Spiritual Personal Intensives™ to work on underlying issues to heal on a deeply profound level. Pam has 25 years of experience working with spiritual emergence. In the big picture, every problem we encounter in life presents us with an opportunity to grow, connect with the Universal, and become more conscious. Some growth experiences are more dramatic than others, and Pam provides masterful support and assistance to those courageous, ready and willing to work for real change.
We need good role models to help with our most important relationship – that with our life partner!
Working as a Core Energetics psychotherapist and mentor for committed couples to bring vital aliveness to a relationship, Pam shows people how to work deeply on the issues that keep them stuck, and find their real selves.
The Core Energetics model, working with the body, emotions, mind, will, and spirit gives us profound and unique ways of working on our relationships.
When couples work together, this multi-faceted process can open and heal their hearts to each other! Not easy but well worth the effort. Pam brings her own insightful experience to assist couples thrive.
“I love working with couples!” ~Pam
“Pam Chubbuck helped me see how feelings of anger, fear expressed through my saboteur – wanted to kill me and my relationship with my husband, following in the steps of my mother who hated men and taught me to expect the worst.”
“I needed Pam, to find out that 80% of my negative feelings toward my wife were really about old childhood wounds inflicted by my father and the church. This really changed me and our relationship for the better!”
“Glenn and I are both grateful every day for Pam and for Core Energetics, and how it’s allowed us to shape our relationship and our lives. I often say that the Universe sent me to Atlanta for two reasons: to meet Glenn, and to meet Pam/learn Core Energetics.” ~ K’La & Glenn Albertini

Jac Conaway PhD, supervising students
Faculty Director of Vitally Alive Core Energetics Institute South: Pamela L Chubbuck, PhD. Senior faculty members include: Kuno Bachbauer MD; Jacqueline Carleton PhD; Jac Conaway PhD; Pam Chubbuck PhD; Walid Daw PhD; Lorraine Desmarais CCEP; Brian Gleason LCSW; Marcia Gleason LCSW; Phyllis Haber LCSW; and Michael Hungerman PhD.
Faculty will be chosen from this body and announced each year.
“Thanks for saving my marriage, Pam!”
“Couples therapy with Pam was just what we needed to get a good start on our marriage. Pam helped us to be more open and honest about deeper inner feelings, to break through the barriers of mask, and recognize things in our own personalities so that our relationship could be stronger.
We love Pam’s directness and clarity.
Pam was a miracle-worker.”
~ Tony & Deanna
Therapy for Therapists
Pam is a psychotherapist’s therapist. Pam continues to practice what she teaches others. Pam apprenticed with Core Energetics founder, psychiatrist John Pierrakos MD, a truly gifted mentor, for over 30 years. She has extensive experience training therapists, focusing on deep holistic therapy and supervision concentrating on countertransference issues. Pam dearly loves mentoring other professional care givers.
“Today most academic programs are turning out therapists who are not required to have a day of personal therapy. This is deeply concerning, both for these individuals who are working at a deficit, and for their clients who need more than a theoretical approach. It is my pleasure to serve to bridge that gap.” ~Pam Chubbuck, PhD
Learn About Group Therapy (Monthly Process Group) & Supervision

Empowering Tools
Pam created the Say Yes to Life! DVD as a self-empowering tool with 2 one-hour psycho-spiritual exercise classes, based on the Core Energetic Evolutionary Process, which clients can utilize independently to take charge of their own healing process between sessions and for those unable to travel to work with her personally. Watch for Pam’s follow-up DVD: Using the Core Energetic Roller with Clients & Self.
Pam is the author of Woman Spirit, an audio book/CD menarche myth which empowers girls to honor their bodies despite our highly-sexualized culture. First-born granddaughter’s clear connection to God at age 3 inspired Pam to write Welcome to the World: How & Why You Came to Earth, a Teaching Story for Young Children.
Passages into Womanhood: Empowering Girls to Love Themselves helps us celebrate and mentor girls and young women. Pam’s book of poetry, What My Mother Never Told Me About Bleeding & Other Essential Stuff inspires, amuses and enlightens.
Goodbye, Mom – I’ll Always Love You and Goodbye, Dad – I’ll Always Love You are interactive keepsake journals to assist kids of all ages in dealing with a parent’s death, and to assist care givers in helping their child. (E-book format allows multiple printings, for family members or across the years for deeper processing.)
Pam is a prolific and clear writer who effectively utilizes anonymous case histories as a teaching tool for professionals. She is invested in assisting Core Energetics and Bioenergetics students as well as clients, by making her articles available in a more user-friendly format than previous versions. Click for E-article collections available at a nominal fee. Click for free articles.
Pam’s Concepts of Mask, Lower Self, & Higher Self is a concise but brilliant tool which assists clients in learning to differentiate and work with their different “aspects”. It includes the Lower Self Saboteur, which Pam realized needed to be added to the Core Energetic and Pathwork framework, as we all have a Saboteur which relishes keeping us “down”. The more we see and work with the Saboteur, the less able it is to run our lives. Available in session/Intensive.
Clients Talk About Working With Pam:
“I have never before had a role model for a woman who so fully embodies both strength and love. Pam’s ability to bring the deepest and rawest emotion to the surface of awareness and to work with it to transform and heal is a profound gift. I have a greater courage to be more fully myself in the world having spent time with Pam, a woman with enormous vitality who exemplifies what it is like to live deeply in touch with one’s self.” ~ Kathy Lucy (LMFT, Atlanta)
“I love the introspective work of Core Energetics that incorporates The Pathwork to develop my Higher Self. Learning to safely work with my other aspects, too, has been life-changing: seeing and starting to transform my Lower Self and LS Saboteur, recognizing my defensive Masks, and healing my Wounded Child – wow! The framework makes sense of the internal (and external) conflicts I have struggled with, and provides such a helpful paradigm to work with. I used to just hide them in shame and confusion. Thank you, Pam!” ~ RA
“In the few months that I have been working with Pam, I have experienced more energy than I have had in years and a greater capacity for joy than I have ever known.” ~ PPG
“I have begun to feel my sexuality in a way that I never dreamed possible for myself. As an individual who thought that I would be in ‘conventional’ therapy forever, I am very grateful for the development and implementation of Core Energetics body-centered therapy.” ~ Lisa Larsen-Moss (engineer, BBSH graduate)