Woman Spirit – a message from Pam
I am delighted to send you my audio book CD of Woman Spirit . I hope that you, and those you choose to share it with, enjoy the story and the teaching of Woman Spirit. I wish for this story to enrich your life.
First Blood is a powerful event for a young woman. First Blood is a time women remember for the rest of their lives. It is vitally important to make this time in a girls’ life wonderful. Make it a time she will cherish and grow from.
Menstruation – – Bleeding Time – – is unique to women. It can be thought of as a bother or can be a sacred event. Let us use the power, and the wisdom of Woman Spirit , to change our paradigm to a positive, light-filled image of beauty and wonder. And if you are past girlhood… It is never too late to celebrate yourself as a woman.
I trust that you will be inspired to create a ceremony for yourself, your daughter, granddaughter, niece, friend, or even your mother. Celebrate First Blood. Celebrate every aspect of being a woman. May the ceremony in Woman Spirit inspire you. You will be glad you created your own unique, individual way to celebrate yourself and those girls and women you love.
Order Woman Spirit now. I know you will enjoy it.
I would love to hear back from you after you listen and absorb.
With Blessings and Love,
~ Pam